Simpsons Aromatic Malt

Colour EBC: 50 – 70 Colour °L: 19.3 – 26.3 Malt Flavour: Malty, Honey, Raisins, Complex Sweetness with Sour After-Notes Beer Styles: Ales, Mild, Porter and Bock Usage: Up to 10% Produces a Honey Flavour in Beer, Up to 20% gives Raisin Notes, Up to 50% in Mild, Porters and Bocks. Bocks enhances Malty/Fruity Notes The secret weapon in the British Ale Brewer’s arsenal, our aromatic malt has a slightly higher acidity to balance pH. Its complex sweetness with sour after-notes gives a magnificent mouthfeel. This, combined with intense malty notes and raisin, makes Simpsons Aromatic Malt a versatile product that can be used from as little as 5% to give warm honey aromas and up to 50% as a base malt for Dark Beers to give raisin and plum notes. Brings a beautiful brown depth of colour.

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